The boss had made several candid remarks about Camacho's conduct Friday night.
Payne took the candid remark as a threat.
"I just tell the truth," Hunter said eight months later when asked about his candid remarks.
On the other hand, we are less likely to censor candid remarks simply because they might cause a diplomatic controversy or embarrass officials.
In Winterbourne's candid remark, you hear one reason for his shifting impression of Daisy's behavior.
It was their unusually candid remarks that led to expectations that an indictment might be imminent.
Yet physicians noted that women in twilight sleep answered questions accurately and often volunteered exceedingly candid remarks.
Arum's candid remarks characterized the grumpy mood following the bout.
If you mean to say anything to me to-night, that goes against this candid remark, you had better let it alone.
I hope you don't object to candid remarks about the Commodore, sir?