Ja Rule, who began serving a two year jail sentence for attempted gun possession in July, is opening up about his experiences on lockdown by releasing a series of candid letters he's written.
Before leaving for his sister Xenia's estate at Ai-Todor, 12 miles from Yalta, he wrote a candid letter to his brother warning him that the political situation was tense:
Admissions counselors always welcome candid letters of reference.
In seeking to put a painful past behind me, I wrote two candid letters to my parents in 1992 at the advice of a counselor.
The cramped living quarters that Cooke was holed-up in is clearly spelled out in his candid letter to Mrs. Hawes.
He replied in a characteristically candid letter.
With the help of many witty, candid letters, Mr. Isaacson offers a wonderfully rounded portrait of the ever-surprising Einstein personality.
Her most candid letter from abroad was written to Teacher's biographer.
Mr. Fox wound up researching Mr. Richards's past, conducting interviews with those who knew him long ago and drawing upon wonderfully candid old letters and journal entries.
Jardine's tough exterior and candid letters to agents masked his compassionate nature, never exacting punishment when due.