The video features candid footage of the band and people associated with it, including Sub Pop co-founders Bruce Pavitt and Jonathan Poneman.
It contains live, backstage, and candid footage of the band, soundtracked with their music.
Hana was able to take advantage of being only 14 to amass much candid digital footage when Samira was trying to persuade Afghan people to take part in her film.
The home can be seen and is described by Bette Davis in candid footage of a driving sequence in the film The Star (1952).
This was poked fun at in the early airings in commercials which showed candid footage of a police-car chasing the film crew.
While the strategy paid off with some wonderful candid footage, it also made for a long, tedious production.
Much of the candid footage is courtesy of Marky Ramone's personal video library.
The film also includes early concert footage, behind-the-scenes background on the making of their albums, and candid footage of their often obsessed, hysterical fans.
The Hot Shots & Cool Clips series has featured newsreel, press conference, concert and candid footage of Elvis Presley throughout his career.
On November 11, 2009 Vancouver photoblog, theFuturists released two music videos from the new album compiled of live and candid footage of the band from last 7 months of 2009.