The letters called for increased research and a cancer registry.
But Rwanda will set up a cancer registry so that it can count.
The next thing we knew, money went into the budget to update the cancer registry.
Using a national cancer registry, the researchers were able to determine the study participants' long-term risk for 15 different malignancies.
Even so, he says, cancer registries should continue to monitor trends in cancer rates.
All central cancer registries in the United States and Canada are members.
A cancer registry is a systematic collection of data about cancer and tumor diseases.
Cancers were identified through their respective national cancer registries in 10,803 individuals from 9,512 pairs of twins.
The information from population-based cancer registries covers approximately 28 percent of the US population.
We consider it doubtful that the observed trends are strongly biased by inaccurate cancer registry or population data.