The idea is to weigh the side effects against how well a drug is expected to prevent cancer recurrences.
But other studies that followed women after their diagnoses found no effect of diet on cancer recurrence.
But radiation did significantly reduce the frequency of cancer recurrence in the affected breast.
Radiation therapy is also used after radical prostatectomy either for cancer recurrence or if multiple risk factors are found during surgery.
This can reduce the chance of cancer recurrence.
They have an increased risk of cancer recurrence, new cancers, and long-term side effects from cancer treatment.
Another study, reported in 1982, suggested that cancer recurrence was more likely after radiation therapy than surgery.
When he joined the practice, the group policy covered cancer recurrence costs two years after the original cancer treatment ended.
Chemotherapy may also be given as a precaution against cancer recurrence.
And, although more research is needed, recent studies show a link between blood levels of vitamin D and cancer recurrence.