Many cancer experts say such a timetable is wildly unrealistic and might undermine the credibility of the cancer program.
In Northern Ireland, £7.3m was spent on a cancer programme, including treatment for diseases caused by smoking.
What's really amazing," said Mr. Smith, "is that the president cut every cancer program.
He added that the recent findings are "one of the real astonishing success stories of the national cancer program over the past 18 years."
With the Montis' support and leadership, its cancer programs grew by leaps and bounds.
It also said that the government had numerous cancer programs and research, "but in no one place are these disparate efforts coordinated or even described."
It is easy to implement with any cancer program.
Most cancer programs either have boutiques that do fittings or provide referrals.
Later this week he is to promote cancer programs by discussing the death of his sister, Nancy, of lung cancer.
The drug is for the treatment of cancer, and Tularik did not even have a cancer program at the time of its discovery.