Many men would benefit from having their cancer diagnosed later.
But his mother dies; soon after, he is stricken with a cancer diagnosed as inoperable.
The rates are higher for those whose cancers are localized and diagnosed early.
About 65 percent, or 117,000, of the 180,000 breast cancers diagnosed among American women each year, are classified as early stage (1 and 2).
Colorectal cancer diagnosed in an individual younger than 50 years.
Colorectal cancer or Lynch syndrome-associated tumor* diagnosed in at least one first-degree relative younger than 50 years.
One had three other friends plus a mother-in-law, all the cancers diagnosed roughly about the same time as mine.
Patients are referred from district general hospitals, having already had their cancer diagnosed.
Early prostatic cancer diagnosed by arbitrary open perineal biopsy among 300 unselected patients.
Doctors are able to cure most cancers diagnosed in children and teenagers, 11,000 to 12,000 cases a year, Dr. Butler said.