History also suggests that high cancellation rates can lead to financial problems.
"I would say the cancellation rate from the typical U.S. tour operator is between 2.5 and 5 percent," he added.
Surgeons will favor early block surgery times, rapid turnover, low cancellation rates, and on time starts.
Big builders report that cancellation rates are running as high as a third of new sales, compared with about 20 percent or less a year ago.
The airline with the lowest cancellation rate: at only 1 percent, it's Southwest.
"Given the rise in cancellation rates, it suggests that between 150,000 and 200,000 home sales are being counted that actually did not occur."
It also identifies high cancellation rates as evidence that these subscriptions were unwanted.
"The cancellation rate is really big," said Dave Seiders, chief economist of the association.
A 1986 review of events in four Asian countries showed a cancellation rate of 67 percent.
Mr. Reading also noted that the company's cancellation rate for orders was at the lowest level in a decade.