Such declarations amount to using the "moral authority" of the Presidency, and each state government can independently determine when to cancel work for state (and in some cases, municipal) employees.
The Medical Research Council has also cancelled work for 'financial rather than scientific reasons'.
This summer, before the interior designers could begin, she canceled work on all but one.
And many others got early morning phone calls canceling work or other obligations, leaving them to contemplate the snowflakes.
Israel, under pressure from the United States, canceled work on the new Israeli-designed plane a year ago because of the project's tremendous cost.
He cancelled work on a large medical centre at Apir and instead began construction of seven cottage hospitals in different locations.
In March, 2007, Merck and H. Lundbeck cancelled work on the drug, citing safety concerns and the failure of an efficacy trial.
Nygren has canceled work on this game.
Werner and Aura canceled work in Europe and filled in for Walfer and Angelina.
They're canceling work for a lot of their membership.