The only competition left is in the applications to the Board for permission to cancel trains.
Amtrak canceled several trains between New York and Washington, D.C., and also between Washington, D.C. and some southern destinations.
'Could you please look around your yard/station/siding to see if it is there before we have to cancel trains because of lack of locomotives.'
He said that on some lines, superintendents will just cancel trains, hoping the rest can catch up with the schedule.
Of the 37 canceled or delayed trains, 11 were scheduled to go to Manhattan.
Amtrak also suffered financially in the harsh winter in the Northeast, having to cancel trains and rent hotel rooms for many travelers.
The NYMR reserves the right to cancel, alter or suspend trains and accepts no liability for any loss, inconvenience, or delay thereby caused.
Additionally, officials canceled trains along the Washington Metro, the Virginia Railway Express, and Amtrak lines, and several flights in and out of the Richmond International Airport.
But unrealistic targets may be met by 'creative accounting': some railway managers have reported desperate attempts to stay within annual targets by, for example, cancelling trains to save overtime costs.
They've been building it for God knows how long, cancelling trains, people can't get on or off the platforms.