Scott felt the need to cancel his plans for an immediate march into the war zone.
In a move that shocked the industry, "Chicken Soup" was canceled two months into the season.
It was canceled only five episodes into its second season.
Also, two airlines canceled one flight each into the country.
And by "incredible" I mean "incredible it wasn't canceled seven minutes into the pilot."
Northwest Airlines canceled a proposed expansion into a 50,000-square-foot building in Suffolk, where 650 workers would have been employed.
In 1971, public protest canceled the routing of I-95 into downtown Boston.
After they'd gone, Russ hung up a notice that clothes day had been canceled and climbed into his pickup.
The show had low ratings and was canceled halfway into the first season.
But now they are canceling tours months into the future on the assumption that the conflict will last a long time.