In 2008, the show was cancelled for the first time in its history.
Next week, it will consider canceling regular-season games for the first time in its history.
But the release was cancelled for the third time.
It was too late though; the comic was canceled for the first time one issue later.
The annual walk was canceled for the first time in 1980 due to poor weather conditions, and later saw frequent cancellations throughout the 2000s.
It was cancelled in 2007 for the first time due to public drunkenness and other problems.
Slane 2008 was cancelled for the second time in three years.
As a result of Friday afternoon rain, qualifying was canceled for the first time in track history.
Since only 38% of the electors voted, the presidential election was cancelled for the third time in a row.
In 2007, the regatta was cancelled for the first time because of river conditions.