Then if there was some kind of discrepancy, she might have asked for records or documentation-bank statements, canceled checks, stuff like that.
Bank statements, canceled checks, memos, notes, personal bills, receipts.
Ms. Fife said that the Housing Authority has indicated that it cannot locate bank statements and canceled checks for the months in which these transactions were made.
Going a step further, some leading banks in the West offer lower-fee accounts to customers who choose not to have canceled checks returned in any form.
They must have canceled checks from previous quarters," she said.
I have a couple canceled checks I want to show my cousin.
The senators requested documentation, correspondence and "canceled checks" that might "help us understand the facts and circumstances of your suspension."
When he didn't work the night shift, my mom did, canceling checks at Bank of America.
No mention of papers stolen or cancelled checks stolen or files blown open.
Mr. Monajami said he had canceled checks showing that, beginning in 1997, he had paid a total of $25,000 to his son and daughter while they were in college.