This time the match was cancelled altogether for four years.
This time, however, neither school could come to an agreement, and the game was cancelled altogether.
The second series fared little better and the show was close to being cancelled altogether.
It was revived briefly one year later, before being cancelled altogether.
This would result in the race's insurance policies being voided and quite possibly cause the race to be canceled altogether.
Ultimately, however, Clarín broke the contract and the campaign was canceled altogether.
The 112-year-old cultural landmark almost had its 1987-88 calendar of 250 bookings canceled altogether.
Sunday passenger traffic ended the following year and in 1912, one of the four trains was cancelled altogether.
Subsequent road schemes were altered to take greater account of the environment or cancelled altogether.
After 9/11, the route was dropped to six days a week, then five, and then cancelled altogether.