With the opening of the extension, the canal stretched 44 km (27 mi) between the two lakes, with 40 wooden locks.
The canal originally stretched from the Thames near Chelsea Bridge to Grosvenor Basin on the current site of Victoria station.
The canals stretched over 50km into the mountains.
The canal stretched from Cincinnati to Toledo, by way of Dayton; the canal brought settlers into western Ohio and provided access to markets for farmers.
The canal stretches a kilometre from Lilla Värtan to Djurgårdsbrunnsviken allowing ships 9,5 metres wide and 2,1 metres deep to pass.
The canal stretched ahead of Kettrick, a darkly gleaming road down which he moved with the silence of a dream.
The canal would eventually stretch from the Zwarte Water in Hasselt to the Vecht at Gramsbergen, cutting horizontally through the north of the province.
Kunkalamarru is the only village where the canal stretches alongside of the village for long.
The canal was still in sight, almost under us and stretching over the horizon.
The canal stretches for 104 versts; its granite sluices date from 1836.