They were protected on its west flank by a canal known as the fossa Bastioni, which still exists.
The largest of the drainage channels is also a canal known as the New River Ancholme.
The Curacazo of Guatca followed the course of the canal known as the Huatica river.
Böttcher's canal: Known today as the ductus utriculosaccularis or as the utriculo-saccular duct.
Two further small canals known as Khlong Lot (tube/straw canal) connect the inner and outer moats.
Another canal known as Maqal canal was also dug from the Tigris.
The line to the new station followed the route of a long-disused canal known as "Broad's Dock".
These canals known as contour canals would take longer winding routes, along which the land was a uniform altitude.
It is surrounded by the system of canals known as Kanały mazurskie, with numerous sluices.
The current river flow is actually a man-made canal, known as the Canal of St. Odoric.