The main distinguishing features of this engine were a slightly different camshaft profile from the standard ultra high compression engine and factory dual exhaust.
This change also resulted in a revised camshaft profile and removal of the EGR system.
The table below lists the specifications of the two camshaft profiles.
The camshaft profiles are softer and valves smaller and total power output is just 105bhp, little more than the 600cc equivalent bikes.
Other differences from the FZ1 engine include a lighter crankshaft, smaller valves and revised camshaft profiles.
The rev limit could be increased by 300 rpm due to the improved valve-train stability from both the new camshaft profiles and valve-springs.
This extra power was gained through slight alterations to the camshaft profile, a twin carburettor, and a twin exhaust.
The new version of the 5.7L has five different camshaft profiles.
Most importantly the camshaft profile is different with the overlap ground to 112 degrees instead of 110.
The VTEC system uses two camshaft profiles and hydraulically selects between profiles.