Hamilton, a campus of 1,750 students, has always had a reputation for accepting divergent voices.
He said his job was to track all political activity on a campus of 5,000 students and block any references to non-Baath political parties.
In the process, the list has become the background for a noisy debate about date rape on this campus of 6,500 students.
The dispute was the latest development in a debate over affirmative action that has troubled this campus of 12,000 students for months.
The campus of 850 undergraduate students will return the chapel to service.
In addition, the symbolism of statues has become a flashpoint for a renewed debate over race at the campus of 50,400 students.
"Six students don't just die accidentally in seven weeks' time on a campus of only three thousand students."
On this campus of 1,600 students, they all knew Mr. Perry, and many in the audience began to cry.
Ms. Shapiro comes to a campus of 2,200 students that has not always been on solid footing.
His case has spurred demonstrations on the campus of 35,000 students and caused one of the instructors to resign.