The 25-ton, 28-foot diameter Babson Globe is a notable campus landmark.
"It's a campus landmark, and a favorite of the students," Dr. Christman said.
In 1916, construction was completed on Grimes Hall, which became the central campus landmark until the early 1970s.
The house, a campus landmark, was later rebuilt to original specifications after the War.
Its central location on campus makes it desirable to students, with its clock tower serving as a campus landmark.
Stanford was selected because its huge dish antenna - a campus landmark - can pick up signals in the ultrahigh frequency band.
The practice of marketing buildings and other campus landmarks is hardly new, but it is reaching new dimensions.
A campus landmark, the power plant is located on the upper quad across from Thomas Hall.
The memorial bell tower that bears his name remains a prominent campus landmark.
The quadrangle quickly became a campus landmark, known for its integration of residence and legal scholarship.