SUNY's plan calls for 15 campus coordinators, a full-time liaison with the New York City Board of Education, and $162,000 in subsidies to house student teachers (about $300 each per semester).
So Mr. Davis is a campus coordinator for the campaign.
The next year, Smith left her position as executive secretary of the Atlanta student movement to become the full-time southern campus coordinator for SNCC.
His eldest daughter, Megan Garcia-Angelides, was the campus coordinator for his 2006 campaign.
The main governing student body structure includes elected vice president, treasurer, general secretary, two campus coordinators and three executive council members.
Each club and society has a manager, treasurer, two campus coordinators, and three executive council members.
There are also 900 campus coordinators for the Nader campaign.
Tsamoutales was a campus coordinator for George Bush's 1980 campaign at Florida State University in Tallahassee.
As the campus coordinator for political internships, she spent much time and effort encouraging students of all beliefs to become politically active.
She was a campus coordinator and events manager at Suffolk Community College and held positions of similar responsibility at Nassau Coliseum and the United States Tennis Association.