Through their efforts, the campus climate for GLBTQ people improved, and made it possible for many others to actually accept themselves and come out.
It goes on to state that PUC supports a campus climate of "genuine appreciation, rather than mere tolerance, for community members representing the full range of human diversity."
He has also strongly encouraged and facilitated a diverse and inclusive campus climate to better reflect the characteristics of modern society and support the university's educational mission.
Besides being a hands-on advocate for the value of the performing arts to higher education, Mr. Botstein has clearly fostered a campus climate that encourages dissent.
This includes residential life, student health services, alcohol and drug issues, judicial process, campus climate and fire safety.
But at a forum on academic freedom and the campus climate just a day later, members of the university's faculty union clashed.
The group opposes what it views as "radical multiculturalism, socialism, and mass immigration" and a "poisonous and bigoted leftist campus climate".
Some go public, like the University of Minnesota at Duluth vice chancellor who received repeated death threats after instituting mandatory faculty workshops designed to improve the campus climate for women.
Many observers felt the objection to the atmosphere had more to do with Ciancaglini personally than with the campus climate, as reporter Deborah Bolling uncovered.
We must make the campus climate more comfortable.