Rumors, legends, and campfire tales abound about Johnson.
Its nose was an irregular hole that made Tommy think of campfire tales about lepers.
The helmsman, who no doubt thought the Reavers to be nothing more than a campfire tale, looked distinctly frightened.
Set up as a conventional cat-and-mouse thriller, it plays more like a gleefully demented campfire tale.
She gets her wish with the malevolent fatefulness of a ghost story or a campfire tale.
I'm all primed for a campfire tale, and you won't spook me.
The books offer the equivalent of scary campfire tales: creaking windows, monster faces and friends who turn into vampires.
So maybe there's an evil black dog atop the Hanging Hills and maybe it's just fodder for scary campfire tales.
These are the rhythms of a campfire tale.
It was no campfire tale.