Each campaign suggested that its candidate led, but by a margin of fewer than 75 votes.
Zlatarski dates that campaign to 922, while Fine suggests it took place in the period between 921 and 923.
He handled a difficult campaign more competently than his critics suggest, but competence without flair was not good enough for a top commander in 1944.
But the intense campaign they are waging to keep the plant open and the donations that have rolled in to help them suggest otherwise.
The West cannot see the sullen internal resistance, but the campaign against it suggests its presence.
The campaign, which has attracted attention and praise from advertisers around the country, also suggests how the paper wants to be thought of in its community.
The campaign against public TV suggests that conservatives, of which Dole is one, have been too long in power.
The campaign will suggest ways of cutting insurance rates other than state-mandated rollbacks in rates.
The campaign suggested that pro-Israeli editors should pretend to be interested in other topics until elected as administrators.
Still, first-quarter figures can be less revealing than campaigns might suggest.