The campaign resulted in 54,461 tests, exceeding the 40,000 target.
The campaign resulted in 252,498 trials - 117% of trial target.
The king's campaign, however, did not result in the subjugation of Rastislav.
This would indicate that the 1130-34 campaign had resulted in the acquisition of these territories.
Her campaign the following year resulted in fifth place.
The campaign resulted in a significant increase in the number of women representatives at the local, state and federal levels.
I believe a six-month relentless campaign will result in victory!
This campaign resulted in the first Dacian war fought between 101 and 102.
Sales were nearly double what the company expected, but the campaign resulted in a $300,000 donation.
The campaign resulted with the debate on business ethics and the image of the company has been perceived as unethical.