He campaigned on other human rights issues, including prisoners' rights.
Through his writings he campaigned for a variety of causes, including prison reform, women's rights, animal welfare, and the opposition of censorship.
Ten candidates campaigned for the office in frigid weather, including others who were not residents.
He campaigned more local involvement in government, including people's councils, and a constituent assembly to develop appropriate government structure for the city.
He campaigned on many of them, including a proposal to replace the city's corporation counsel, an appointed position, with an elected attorney general.
He campaigned in a field of five candidates, including incumbent Terence Hallinan.
He campaigned for her in several states, including South Carolina and Georgia.
She campaigned issues of human rights and equality in many areas including: women's rights, social stratification, and educational justice.
The movement campaigned on a wide range of issues, including steel industry closures and holiday homes.
Papandreou, moreover, campaigned for allaghi ("change"), including a pledge to liberalize the media.