No one questioned why Mr. Suozzi would be campaigning so furiously even though he's not up for re-election on Nov. 4.
Forgan Smith campaigned furiously in the lead-up to the 1932 election, travelling broadly around the State.
They campaigned furiously, pleading for votes and haranguing their political foot soldiers to view Tuesday's election like D-Day.
The major candidates vying in Virginia and Tennessee all campaigned furiously before the banquet on Saturday night.
From April until November 1867, women furiously campaigned, distributing thousands of pamphlets and speaking in numerous locations for the cause.
Like Governor Bush, Mr. McCain plans to spend the next two days furiously campaigning across Michigan.
The mayor has been campaigning furiously to eliminate the Board of Education and put the system under mayoral control.
General Clark is campaigning furiously in New Hampshire and taking advantage of the nearly empty stage there to move up and on.
Mr. Clinton and Mr. Dole campaigned in Colorado furiously in the last days.
Peter F. Vallone, the Speaker of the City Council, may not be running for re-election this year, but for months he has been campaigning furiously nonetheless.