He campaigned on pit safety issues before the privatisation of British Coal in the early 1990s.
Campaigning against Clinton eight months before the first primary serves at least two purposes for Giuliani.
He campaigned for the Assembly in May before the referendum that approved the peace agreement.
Buchanan campaigned for provincial office several times before his election in 1990.
His name will remain on the ballot, although he is not likely to be able to resume campaigning before Aug. 21.
In 2004, he won reelection by a narrow margin after surviving a shooting while campaigning the day before the election.
The major candidates vying in Virginia and Tennessee all campaigned furiously before the banquet on Saturday night.
When John F. Kennedy campaigned just four days before the 1960 election, Daley turned out a million people in the streets.
For he campaigned tirelessly before a crime-weary electorate with a vow to revive the street-sweeping narcotics arrests of the 1980's.
Brian Schweitzer, a farmer from Whitefish, began campaigning for the Democratic nomination over a year before the primary.