As the camera surveys the nighttime skyline in his imagination, Marseilles is reduced to a battle-scorched war zone with ominous pillars of smoke rising from all over the city.
The camera surveys the audience from various angles and at different speeds.
But as its cameras surveyed the grisly, chaotic scene, a Jazeera anchorwoman turned for context to a leader of the Palestinian militant group Hamas.
Operated in the wide-field mode, the camera will survey vast areas of deep space.
Hidden cameras surveyed the grounds, the perimeter.
The camera slowly surveys an accident scene on a rural highway.
Even at the end, when the camera surveys the Jerusalem skyline, the atmosphere is murky and sullen, suffused with a palpable sense of threat.
Underwater cameras will survey the wildlife and underwater features of the sea bed with particular reference to the species of Alaskan Gray Whale found in those waters.
As the camera surveys the three contestants, there's Mr. DiCaprio in the middle, the faintest twinkle of mischief in his snaky eyes, his baby face gone playfully poker.