Furthermore, three-strip camera negatives are all on silver-based black and white stock, which have stayed unaltered over the course of time with proper handling.
Printing release prints from the composited camera negative was common until about 1969.
Vaala himself was reportedly so disappointed with the resulting film that he dumped the original camera negatives into the sea.
This latest version was produced from the film's original camera negatives and will also feature a restored soundtrack.
Kino's new double-disc set is 270 minutes long and has superb photographic quality, with images drawn from original camera negatives in the German archives.
For most of the first century of filmmaking, workprints were done using second-generation prints from the original camera negatives.
Mr. Price said the color in "Giant" (201 minutes) was very challenging because camera negatives in the 50's were even less sensitive to light.
There's lots more to appreciate on this five-disc set, which has been beautifully mastered from the original camera negatives.
Most studios declined the offer, the camera negatives were junked, and original release prints usually disposed of shortly after a theatrical run.
The Images were made with liquid photographic emulsion and oil paint, using the original anamorphic camera negatives from the film.