In "T" mode, the camera can expose indefinitely without drawing power from the battery.
Some cameras expose a pattern of light, referred to as blips, to digitally identify each adjacent frame.
Then they smashed a camera they feared would expose their pillaging.
Every time he did, the camera would expose theplate then behind the lens.
The camera lens projects an image onto the imager surface, exposing the photosensitive array to light.
But courtroom showboating long preceded television, and the camera can expose pretense and pretension even as it encourages them.
As a result, the camera properly exposed the photographic plate, avoiding unsteady speeds that can create an unevenness in exposure, called banding.
The camera, panning back to the speechless host, exposed the shocked expressions of the other guests.
But in recent weeks, hidden cameras have exposed evidence that they have helped spread corruption through the political system on a scale even jaded Mexicans find breathtaking.
The new camera simultaneously exposed three strips of black-and-white film.