The Aielman calmly put his head down for sleep.
Meanwhile, Julia calmly put the rest of the glasses into the refrigerator.
He sat up and calmly put on the hide parka.
Then he licked his lips and calmly put on a pair of reading glasses.
However calmly put, this statement raises just about every aesthetic question you would care to contemplate.
Suker calmly put the ball into the lower right corner of the goal.
She just stood there, in a different world, calmly putting the pistol back into her waistband.
He sat there empty-handed while I calmly put an edge to my blade, which was already razor sharp.
The knight calmly put his foot under the man's chin and kicked him so he fell backward.
She had calmly put the cover on her sewing machine after Mike came downstairs and gave her the news.