Over the next day, Sutcliffe calmly described his many attacks.
But now, we can quite calmly describe it as merely comical.
In the next run-through, instead of calmly describing the situation, the newly high-strung sergeant explains that the Jeep accident wasn't his fault.
Today, he calmly described what he felt was a necessary response.
The father calmly described how he used both thumbs to squeeze the neck.
Date, now comfortably ambidextrous, never lost another game and calmly described her presence here at the Garden as "a dream come true."
Calmly describe what went wrong and why that party is responsible.
Ilya Drutz, an agile, round-cheeked boy of 12, was calmly describing his decision to become circumcised.
But then Carpathia calmly described what he wanted us to think we had seen, and everybody but me immediately accepted it as truth.
The noise you hear at the moment is the sound of the air-raid siren," Murrow said as he calmly described the scene.