She is 28 years old, but she becomes despondent whenever she is called old or any variation of.
This is one reason why we do not restrict the use of "style" to what we have called stylistic variation, ie "styled".
The angular difference between true and magnetic north is called variation, which varies depending on location.
Each had classic symptoms, including what is called diurnal variation of mood: depressed patients typically feel worse in the morning and get better toward evening.
This is called antigenic variation.
The Earth's field is roughly like a tilted dipole, but it changes over time (a phenomenon called geomagnetic secular variation).
This workshop and hence the newspaper is typically called umbrella, or variation of the local word for umbrella.
Called magnetic variation when a distinction is needed to prevent possible ambiguity.
Because the meaning of "equivalent" may be unclear, it is also called extortionary variation.
This method of selecting a desired intervention among several candidates is called planned variation One publication refers to it as "random innovation" (Rhine, 1981, p. 292).