Johansen called vainly for him to come down.
She ran, her servant girl left far behind, calling after her vainly.
Gordon heard Giron vainly calling Sandrell, with no response.
Narby was in full flight, with Hugh and Ertz calling vainly after him.
The 14 drugs most often purchased through the year ended June 1995 were all what the United States somewhat vainly calls controlled substances.
Officers, on foot and horseback, repeatedly massed, advanced, retreated and then charged into the crowds, often running past superiors who called vainly for them to stay back.
Calling vainly for her dog, Louisa pushed on deeper between the trees.
At the end of twenty-four years, Faust vainly calls on God's mercy as Mephistopheles drags him away to Hell.
Laurie called after her vainly.
Will called vainly on every spell of defence at his command, yet knew that his hands were powerless to move to the Signs for help.