Iran is the subject of a string of UN Security Council resolutions and four sets of sanctions calling for it to suspend enrichment.
In the declaration, and in a letter to the companies, the Ijaws called for oil companies to suspend operations and withdraw from Ijaw territory.
Iranian officials say its programme remains non-negotiable, despite five UN security council resolutions calling for Iran to suspend enrichment.
Mr. Lautenberg called on Mr. Forrester to suspend those challenges.
Boston merchants organized the first non-importation agreement, which called for merchants to suspend importation of certain British goods effective 1 January 1769.
The Middle East peace plan known as the road map calls for Israel to suspend "all settlement activity."
The report calls for political parties to suspend, if not abandon, their ethnic and sectarian prejudices in favor of a cooperative approach, a concept referred to as national reconciliation.
It called on the A.N.C. to suspend all violence.
That is why we are calling in this resolution for China to suspend its planned executions and introduce a moratorium on the death penalty immediately.
We therefore call on the Commission and the Council to suspend negotiations on the association agreement between the EU and Morocco.