The move comes as Governor Cuomo is calling for legislation to expand the board to 13 members, 7 of whom would be appointed by Mayor Koch.
Plans call for 25 new courtrooms and room to expand to 33 courtrooms over 30 years.
It also called upon the Mission to expand its support to strengthen self-sustaining State institutions, especially outside Port-au-Prince, the capital.
When Mr. Bush announced his war on drugs, Senator Joseph Biden called for tax increases to expand it.
It is to have its beginnings in Europe with plans calling for it to expand worldwide.
The plan to be implemented over 30 years, calls for massive capital spending to expand and upgrade Calgary Transit's capacities.
This agreement calls for the United States and other signatories to expand anti-bribery laws to cover officers and agents of public international groups.
In doing so, the author has created what he calls a framework window manager for users to expand and adapt to their own needs.
He called on the city's Board of Education to expand the number of vocational schools, particularly in the fields of telecommunications and food services.
He called on the city to expand money for after-school programs, and accused Mr. Bloomberg of conducting education policies in the manner of a corporate executive.