As a result, during the post- war revolutionary years of 1918-1919, calls to abolish the metropolis emerged.
In an effort to kill pork-barrel politics, they are calling on the House to abolish the Appropriations Committee.
Their deaths sparked reactions from the international human rights group Amnesty International, which called on the Saudi authorities to abolish the death sentence.
Not surprisingly, calls to abolish the vestibular system, always common, are growing louder.
After demanding an inquiry into under-employment, in late 1983 he called on the Government to abolish or privatise the Crown Agents.
As it came out of committee, it now calls on Member States to abolish the transitional measures in force.
In the report, the European Parliament calls on the Member States to abolish the current transitional arrangements.
I would call on the President to abolish the law concerned.
We call on the authorities in Burma to abolish the bans on peaceful activities and to free political prisoners immediately.
It also calls for the US to abolish the death penalty, which for us is a personal conscience issue.