Phil got his formal education from life, or what people in several parts of the world call the University of the Sidewalk.
Delworth called the University of Texas and asked if they could recommend a good immigration lawyer.
It was formed in 1971 by merging three universities into a centralized structure initially called the University of the Congo.
I called the University of Emory, and they connected me directly to his office: we locked on the call impulse.
The campus is now called the University of Kent at Tonbridge.
Some scholars have called the University of Islam schools the nation's first attempts at homeschooling by black families.
Perry heard her calling the University of California at Berkeley.
The new combined school will be called the University of North Georgia.
From 1991, the university has been called the University of Veszprém.
I studied business administration at a small Methodist college now called the University of Indianapolis.