For the most part, problems don't affect just one customer, so calling or e-mailing support may not speed up the resolution.
To add more clarity, most of these users should not have a need to call support.
I believe the current plan is called 'forensic support for business'.
The answers ranged from "We've never had to call support" to "their tech support sucks."
Now, some people, annoying as it is, need more than a one off hand up - they need that pesky thing called ongoing support.
It's called support for an action through viable second and third parties.
This is called mutual support, or fire and movement, related to the infantry tactic of leap-frogging.
Also called instrumental support, this form of social support encompasses the concrete, direct ways people assist others.
Calling technical support is going to be a nightmare - tough rocks.
Video calling support has also been added to several popular instant messaging programs.