The state laws vary in calling restrictions and penalties for violators.
These could all be called restrictions to foreign trade.
Jim Trezise, the president of the New York Wine and Grape Foundation, a statewide trade group, called the sales restrictions in the state alcoholic beverage control laws "complex, archaic and economically counterproductive."
The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe boycotted the election because of what it called "severe restrictions" on its observers by the Russian government.
The ontology language OWL uses blank nodes to represent anonymous classes such as unions or intersections of classes, or classes called restrictions, defined by a constraint on a property.
Endowment officials and others have called such restrictions ambiguous and unenforceable.
He also criticized what he called unwarranted restrictions on market freedom imposed by the Israeli Securities and Exchange Commission.
Although no state has banned cell phones in cars, some have tried to set what Mr. Sundeen called "minor restrictions."
Their protests and the arrests continued, and the lawsuits began as they fought what they called restrictions on their freedom.
"It is often the case in this society that we have what we call voluntary restrictions," said Tetsuya Chikushi, a senior correspondent for the newspaper Asahi Shimbun and a prominent social commentator.