Joe thought it was a routine call reporting more unsuccessful efforts at tracking Shark Meglo.
By 1:37 p.m., when the call reporting the fire came in, the city was blanketed with more than a foot of snow.
A call reporting the fire came at 1:02 P.M., he said.
The Maine state police could barely keep up with calls reporting minor accidents as cars slid off icy roads.
The first 911 call, reporting a pregnant woman in distress because of the spray, came at 2:24 a.m., Chief Cline said.
A 1222 meant there'd been an anonymous call reporting a domestic dispute.
In its first five months of operation, the hotline received 2,000 calls reporting burglaries, thefts and muggings.
Emergency Medical Service officials said that 911 workers believed calls reporting separate stages of the shooting were descriptions of the same event.
The task force reported that in 1992, just 7 percent of calls reporting abuse to 911 resulted in arrests.
Hundreds of calls reporting substances feared to be anthrax have poured into city, state and federal offices across the country.