Power is conducted to their motors by what we would call "radio" from central stations where the sun's energy is stored.
Two of its Jersey guys are disc jockeys who have long histories in what they now call "terrestrial radio."
It was the 1960s description of what we now call free-form radio.
It could listen to the electricity in wires, and the stuff in the air that Dorcas called 'radio'.
Fair point, which is why there's also a medium called radio for those who can't be bothered with a comb or an iron.
Marconi has very inconveniently invented a thing called radio.
I feel that somewhere out there my friend is gone, my friend called radio.
This high-energy, high-speed material, called radio or relativistic jets, can account for the radiation we observe.
Emrick calls radio on TV, and unintrusive camera work is the best way to illustrate that.
The electronic blackboards called radio and TV were no more creatures of the 80's than telephones or computer chips.