By this time the whales were getting national attention in the news media, and calls were pouring in to government offices and Congress.
Soon, up to 80 calls were pouring in each day, though it has recently slowed "enough for me to take a shower," Ms. Alexander said.
Two days later, five times as many calls as usual poured in, but callers mostly asked where they could donate blood or volunteer.
On Jan. 2, 50,000 calls poured in to TennCare asking for help.
Letters and calls have poured in from all over the world.
The calls for aid do pour in.
More than 35,000 calls from people contemplating suicide poured in last year, compared with 25,000 five years ago.
I haven't heard from him since Tuesday and the calls are pouring in.
The more information that trickles out to the public, Lieutenant Kuberski said, the more calls pour in.
At least 1,500 calls have poured into the local tips line, and now the F.B.I. is also taking calls.