Mr. Dungan praised his predecessor on Wednesday morning as he prepared for what his wife, Sue, called his first mayoral duty: taking the garbage to the town dump.
It all comes under the heading of what you call your duty.
You've long since gone past anything anyone could call your duty, Firesong.
It's no Call of Duty, but when a hot girl gets kidnapped by a gang of cartoon villains, you'll call it your duty to save her.
This is called your duty of care.
But Mayor Artiganave said Lourdes could not rely on timely miracles, and needed concrete ways to fulfill what he called the city's "duty" to its particularly needy pilgrims.
Less than a year earlier, these women had congregated only rarely, since Elrood was with one of them so often, performing what he called his "royal duty."
That guilt and what he called his duty to black Americans made him decide to return to the United States, in 1969.
He called it, therefore, his duty to step forward, and endeavour to remedy an evil which had been brought on by himself.
I'll get the best deal I can for Britain, and I'll call it my duty.