Call this horse Junkie's Revenge, if you wanted.
The current novel could have been called "Titmuss's Revenge."
But her first idea, and the one that got financing, is the one she might have called "Leporello's Revenge."
Historically it could be called the Taxman's Revenge.
The resulting film was called Pinocchio's Revenge and disappeared with little notice.
The Riddler also plays a major role in the game's challenge mode which is called Riddler's Revenge.
I'd say this demands a bit of what you might call Whistleblower's Revenge.
Since 2009, an annual bike race called Miner's Revenge has been held whose course runs both within the mine and above ground.
Moreover, in every issue there was an installment of a novel called The Commander's Revenge.
Perhaps the show should be called "The Printer's Revenge."