The demonstrators called on the United Nations to intervene in the conflict, which has raged since 1975.
The rights group called on the United Nations to strengthen the partial arms embargo now in place against Sudan.
But it also called on the United Nations to send a peace mission to protect the refugees, and at the same time save Kisangani.
Today, they unanimously endorsed the declaration and called on the United Nations to recognize a new state, which it is unlikely to do.
He called on the United Nations to force Israel to abide by international laws and resolutions.
President Bush has called on the United Nations to lift the sanctions.
And he called on the United Nations to be more selective in its peacekeeping missions.
He called on the United Nations to organize an international convention against terrorism that would develop a common program of action for all countries.
Concerned citizens the world over are calling on the United Nations to invoke resolution 377A in order to bring an end to the war.
China immediately issued protests over the two submissions and called on the United Nations not to consider them.