In a later letter, Mill went on to blame Hodgskin for what he calls 'mad nonsense'.
And since the end is on the way, I can't call it nonsense, can I?
Wilders called it "total nonsense" that he would have admitted to an intern that his proposal went too far.
Smith did not consider himself to be a "peeper" or "glass-looker," a practice he called "nonsense."
'Then if you don't know what I mean, what right have you to call it nonsense?'
Klein then returned to Israel, calling the international arrest warrant "complete nonsense" and announcing his intention to begin writing books.
He dismisses metaphysical arguments, calling them nonsense, and saying that they cannot be empirically verified.
So, before calling other posts "nonsense", how about looking in the mirror first?
"Now this is what I call mortal nonsense!"
The State Department has called such a link "utter nonsense."