We know of what human beings call intuition, but how does intuition find a place in an unknown land?
But my primary mode of perception is a very advanced form of what you would call intuition.
I have a theory," he said, "that noticing is part of what used to be called feminine intuition.
I'd call it female intuition, except that Captain Picard noticed as well.
The way we know sensible objects is called "sensible intuition".
The way we know these categories is through a faculty of understanding called "categorial intuition".
And indeed, "Blink" moves quickly through a series of delightful stories, all about the backstage mental process we call intuition.
The thing we have called intuition, they maintain, is not due to irregular or supernatural causes but to our own normal natural mental processes.
This pure form of sensibility I shall call pure intuition.
That representation which can be given previously to all thought is called intuition.