One of those molecules, unleashed instantaneously, is called histamine.
The next time you take the drug, the IgE tells your white blood cells to make a chemical called histamine, which causes your allergy symptoms.
Pheniramine is an antihistamine that blocks the effects of a chemical in your body called histamine.
When you are exposed to the substance again, the antibodies spring into action, releasing large amounts of a protein called histamine.
One of the chemicals that your body releases to try to fight the foreign substance is called histamine.
Ketotifen is an antihistamine that inhibits the body's release of a chemical called histamine.
These former symptoms are due to release of a substance called histamine from neoplastic mast cells.
They work by blocking a substance called histamine, which your immune system produces in response to allergens.
A chemical called histamine causes most allergic symptoms.
It releases a chemical called histamine, which triggers the watery eyes, runny nose, and other telltale symptoms of an allergy attack.