The current agreement calls for at least 48.04 percent of basketball-related income to be distributed to the players.
In 2002, investors panicked over news reports about a government plan that called for more than 50 percent black control of the mining industry.
The guidelines, which are subjective, call for 80 percent of occupants to be comfortable.
The plan calls for 20 percent of the state's power to be fueled by renewable energy by 2020.
The proposal calls for 60 percent of the stock to be sold to outside investors within a year.
The plan calls for about 30 percent of the forest to be in conservation areas.
And he has called for 20 percent of city contracts to go to businesses owned by women or minorities.
The plan called for a new lease in 1986 for only 63 percent of the space the Government had before.
Ruiz's contract calls for no guaranteed money and 40 percent.
The proposal calls for 85 percent of vehicles to run on non-petroleum-based fuel in 20 years.